Tuesday 4 March 2014


I was looking to fix this little gemmam of a picture since I realized it was wrong, and I decided to look if there was an actual verb for "to be dead". I came across an interesting page on my internet journeys, Latin Death Words. They say the Inuit have hundreds of words for snow, and the Romans had at least 24 words or terms to describe 7 modes of death. I would like to point out that death by poison was obviously a big issue as there are three terms for it; also same for noble suicide, which has four terms. Anyways, I didn't end up finding a verb, but I did fix the picture to the best of my abilities:

I apologize, this is really short blog entry, but I am in the midst of a paper for MARS which is stressing me out to no end. I will, however, fulfill the (personally set by me) geek quota with this photo of my son with a dalek:

Mea filia callidissima abdebat.

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