Tuesday 25 February 2014

Plus Etymologiae

This link came up on my Facebook feed recently from Mental Floss, 11 Weirdly Spelled Words - And How They Got That Way. I thought it would be a good followup to the last blog post. It's interesting to see how some English words came to be spelled the way they are, especially the ones that seem to make no sense (I'm looking at you, words that begin with k but are followed by a consonant). I was not aware of the so-called "Latinizing" craze of the 16th and 17th centuries (but to be fair, I wasn't there). I like how they were trying to "fancify" (I don't know if that's a word and I don't want to live in a world where it's not) words, just to make things complicated for us. Things would be a lot easier if receipt didn't have that sneaky p. And really, I feel like they were just doing it to be jerks. It's really a stretch to take the s out of insula and stick it in iglund to make island. To be fair, it's not just the Latin-English. Look at colonel! That's just evil.

For a bonus (Latin word turned English alert!), check out 10 Old English Words You Should Be Using. On that note, I will close with this:

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