Thursday 9 January 2014


Welcome to my Latin blog, which is, I like to think is aptly titled as I can't guarantee everything will be enlightening.

I will say however that I am currently reading Victor Hugo's Les Miserables (sorry, laptop does not permit accents) as part of my 50 Book Pledge for 2014, and there are a lot of Latin phrases thrown about, especially from the Bishop of D- (Monseigneur Bienvenu). It has been a neat experience to encounter 3 languages in a novel and to actually understand them all somewhat. Obviously many of the Latin phrases are used in a religious context, as the Bishop is a man of the cloth and Latin was the language of the church. His Latin remarks were usually either pieces of scripture (Sinite parvulos - "Let the children [come to me]") or said in moments of contemplation (Vermis sum - "I am a worm"). I'm looking forward to the rest of the novel and understanding more as I learn more Latin.

On a final note:

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